Go here to avail of our new executive “assistant” feature. You can set it up to delegate duplicate copies of digests and reports and notifications. That way your non-Inbox email can also be reviewed and processed by your trusted assistant or partner.
You will continue to get your digest and other SaneBox notification type emails, but they will also be sent to your assistant.
Your helper can click on any action link in the digest. Those links allow them to black hole, archive, delete, move to Inbox, or train to Inbox directly. Doesn't that sound great?
btw: If you don't see BlackHole as an option in your digest, that means you haven't turned that folder on. Here is some info on how to do that.
Note: If you start to see your digest appear in your Spam folder, after turning this feature on, please add reports@sanebox.com, support@sanebox.com, message-digest@sanebox.com and password-reset@sanebox.com to your server white list and/or email Address Books or Contact Lists.
Your assistant will also get your other SaneBox emails so they will know when your subscription is expiring and can help you remember to renew it. Another key benefit, your delegate will get your SaneBox Activity Report so they will have another opportunity to check to make sure your recent SaneBox trainings are accurate and correct.