Your privacy is very important to us. If you are concerned about giving out your main password, here is a way to avoid that.
Switching your password authentication to use 2FA (two factor authentication) instead of a simple password would definitely ease your mind.
Then you could generate app specific passwords for those clients and services (like SaneBox) that need passwords. This allows SaneBox to access your email server but the password you share is specific and unique to SaneBox.
What it does:
Two-factor authentication adds a second level of authentication to an account log-in. When you have to enter only your username and one password, that's considered a single-factor authentication.
Common Email Providers Who Use 2FA:
1. Google
2. Yahoo!
3. AOL
4. iCloud
5. Office 365
How do I remember all of these passwords!?
We strongly recommend a password wallet like 1password. That way you can have long, unique, really random passwords for each account you have and at the same time let a piece of software remember them.